Ponzu marinated beef

5 1 Bewertungen


2 Portion(en)
500 g
beef steak
cloves of garlic, crushed
Juice of 1 lime
1 TL
sesame oil
1 EL


Schritt 1

Mix Kikkoman Ponzu Citrus Seasoned Soy Sauce, lime juice and garlic for a marinade. Let the beef marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Take the beef out of the marinade and pad it dry before frying or grilling the meat to your taste. While the meat is resting after cooking, boil and reduce the marinade with sesame oil and honey for a sauce.

Schritt 2

Slice the meat and serve with a side dish of potatoes and salad, or use the meat for sandwiches.

Rezept-ID: 303

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Mix Kikkoman Ponzu Citrus Seasoned Soy Sauce, lime juice and garlic for a marinade. Let the beef marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Take the beef out of the marinade and pad it dry before frying or grilling the meat to your taste. While the meat is resting after cooking, boil and reduce the marinade with sesame oil and honey for a sauce.

Slice the meat and serve with a side dish of potatoes and salad, or use the meat for sandwiches.

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